Costco: I Have Missed You…You Sweet, Crazy B$%*h!

As of yesterday, we are officially Costco members!! For a very reasonable price of 35,000 won, –about $35.00– compared to the $55.00 fee back in the states, we decided to cross over into the world of bulk buys. Yep, Korea has Costco, seven, none of them being in Gwangju. However, there is one in Daejeon, about 2 hours away from us via train. You can also take the bus, but the train is very convenient because the station is right next door to Costco. It was a very successful trip, if you can overlook the bruised ankles and calves from carts bumping us from all directions.

Thanksgiving is this week, so we wanted to pick up some necessary items for our dinner. You know those things like a turkey and pie, along with other items we needed, wanted and have started to miss here in the Land of the Morning Calm.

And so we headed off to Daejeon with a few friends for an all day adventure to Costco! All bundled up on a beautiful fall day, we boarded the train. There were five of us, so we were happy to get a table seat, along with a single seat right next to it. We passed the time with views of the beautiful countryside, some riveting games of cards, and drinks!

Soon enough we were there, in the zoo referred to as Costco. First we had to sign up for the membership. Signing up was easy and painless; we were in and out within a handful of minutes. Once the new card was in my hand, a life changing event had taken place, true adulthood. I see far more Kirkland products in my future. Then to the food court we went. Bellies full of pizza, we were excited to get shopping and sampling. We put our elbows out and made our way into the craziness. That excitement quickly turned to aggravation as we tried to make our way through the maze. We were in need of an adult beverage!! But we made it out with most of what we had hoped for. A turkey, pies, green beans, cheeses, champagne, wine, liquor, fish, chicken, and so much more. Yum, yum, yum!

Our train ride home wasn’t as comfy or as fun as the trip to Daejeon, due to it being a different train company. We had double the amount of stops, no table seat, no seats together, and a crying baby in front of me. Nonetheless, we have a jam packed freezer and fridge and we love it!

Directions to Costco from Gwangju: Take the train from Gwangju Station to Seodaejeon. The tickets range from about 18,500-19,900 won. Once you get to the Seodaejeon Station, follow the exit sign and when you exit the station, look to your left and there is COSTCO!

3 thoughts on “Costco: I Have Missed You…You Sweet, Crazy B$%*h!

  1. How in the world did the two of you get everything home without a car, and Costco has no bags…..It takes me two trips from the car with just a few items…You two never cease to amaze me….I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and enjoy your treasures!!!

  2. Very colorful description of the true comfort that a trip to Costco brings. I love the way you write and the way in which you approach everything with a positive perspective. I love you and miss you, and enjoy those pies and turkey…..not sure about the green beans!

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